Divine Note #8– Feb. 23, 2009 I shared my love of Christ and how my entire life has changed at Celebration and paid tribute to three women who have helped me get closer to God. When I heard Joan Murray say that prayers go into eternity and that they are heard, my soul was touched and I remembered my grandmother. She would testify about how God changed her life and you can imagine my teenage embarrassment when she would talk about me! After my dad passed away, she often told the church family that she put us in the loving arms of Jesus. God answered my grandmother’s prayers for me through righteous women who love God. Can you imagine if Fern had not encouraged me to do God’s work through Celebration (James 5:14)? What if Lorraine had not prayed a powerful prayer asking the Holy Spirit to help me share what I have been through, so that I might help others because it’s not about me (James 5:16)? My child, Jackie, loves God and is determined to do His will for her life. I give Him all cre
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