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Showing posts from February, 2009

Your personal relationship with Jesus: Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. James 5:12

Divine Note #8– Feb. 23, 2009 I shared my love of Christ and how my entire life has changed at Celebration and paid tribute to three women who have helped me get closer to God. When I heard Joan Murray say that prayers go into eternity and that they are heard, my soul was touched and I remembered my grandmother. She would testify about how God changed her life and you can imagine my teenage embarrassment when she would talk about me! After my dad passed away, she often told the church family that she put us in the loving arms of Jesus. God answered my grandmother’s prayers for me through righteous women who love God. Can you imagine if Fern had not encouraged me to do God’s work through Celebration (James 5:14)? What if Lorraine had not prayed a powerful prayer asking the Holy Spirit to help me share what I have been through, so that I might help others because it’s not about me (James 5:16)? My child, Jackie, loves God and is determined to do His will for her life. I give Him all cre

Your personal relationship with Jesus: Be comforted and comfort others – 2 Corinthians 1-4

Divine Note #7 – Feb. 16, 2009 It’s not about me. As I grow in my relationship with the Lord, I realize that there are so many people who desperately need the love and comfort of Jesus Christ that we are all called to share. In verse 4, Paul tells us that our God comforts us in our affliction so that we may comfort others in their time of need. It’s so easy to go about our daily, busy lives and not think of those close to us who may need a comforting word. Maybe it says something about our society that even while we’re so connected by technology such as cell phones, computers and e-mails; we are still very much in need of a friendly voice or hug to comfort us during a valley period. Do you ever find yourself e-mailing or texting with family and closest friends and then realizing that you don’t really know what’s going on in their lives? Welcome to my world. Technology has made our lives so much less personal. If our friends and family feel like they can’t get enough of our time, what

Your personal relationship with Jesus: Encouragement is just a word or prayer away – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-10

Divine Note #6 – Feb. 9, 2009 All it takes is a word of kindness, a hug or a smile to tell people around us how valuable they are. The apostle Paul was encouraged when Timothy returned from visiting the Thessalonians with good news of the faith and love of believers who had limited access to the apostle’s teachings. Paul knew how important it was to encourage and to be encouraged by believers. Over lunch a few months ago, a long time friend told me that because I took the time to listen, to ask questions and to tell her to get a grip and get help, that I prevented her from committing suicide many years ago. That’s mind boggling. What if I hadn’t taken the time to be there for her? Many of you have recently been praying for another friend’s family as they removed their loved one from life support, agonized over hospice care and are now facing funeral arrangements. As a result, I know that God is wrapping them in His loving arms during this painful time and they appreciate your prayers.

God chose you to be saved…that you may share the glory of Jesus! 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

Divine Note #4 - Monday, Dec. 29, 2008 Next year decide to move on to the next stage of your life. Just as Paul encouraged the church during his time on earth, today the Holy Spirit guides believers to fulfill their God-given purpose. If you believe in God’s inspired Word, then you must move beyond the walls of home and church to share the news with everyone! Your ministry is everyone who is around you! Please don’t wait to be healed, to feel anointed, to get over grief, to have time, to have enough money or until the kids grow up. Whatever gifts you have been given, I promise you that God needs your service now (1 Corinthians 12:7). Challenge yourself to move out of your ‘comfort zone’ and share your gifts with those whom God puts in your path! First, have a plan. Pray and ask God for guidance on how you need to grow and serve during the next year. It’s critical to seek God’s direction and then take His hand! Second, find out what your ministry gifts are. Talk to your pastors or trus

Listen for your own message: Hebrews 1:1-4

Divine Note #2: Monday, Dec. 15, 2008 Every day we’re bombarded with competing messages about how we should behave, what God’s expectations are and how we should live our lives. We get messages at church, from family and from society. But really, I have found that it’s in the quiet times and when I am genuine, that I am open to listening to God. He speaks to my heart, I just have to be still and listen. In the Old Testament, God spoke through prophets, but now we have His Son – that wonderful Jesus! Don’t get ahead of yourself or try too hard to “get a message.” Instead, listen with your heart and obey the promptings of His Holy Spirit. Consider writing down your thoughts and perhaps starting a journal to help you connect with Him. This also helps you remember the good things He has done for you when you are in a valley season. Maintain a continuous conversation with Jesus during the day; don’t just just pray at night. And remember to listen, quiet your spirit and hear His messages for

He understands and cares about you deeply: John 11:33-36

Divine Note #1 - Monday, Dec. 8. 2008 I've been thinking about how He came to earth and lived a pretty typical human life, so He understands how we, his human creations, feel. I am very touched by the fact that when he was told that Lazarus had died, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. The two words in verse 35 have been in my heart for a couple of days, Jesus wept. Can you imagine the Savior of the universe weeping? He very much cared about Mary and Martha during their time of anguish over the death of Lazarus. He cried, He wept! He loved Lazarus! Think about how He loves you! Never doubt that He loves you because He created you and he understands how you feel. Talk to Him like you would your best friend, He’s ready to listen and He loves you for you!