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Who are you going to bless? 2 Samuel 22:2-3 & Psalm 18:2 (

Divine Note #32

Who are you going to bless?2 Samuel 22:2-3 (NLT)2 He sang: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; 3 my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence.
Psalm 18:2 (NLT) The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

Dear Readers,

As my daughter prepares to go to college, one of the ways I will stay connected is by texting a Scripture to her each day. I also post the passage on my Facebook wall and Twitter for all my “friends” to read so I can be accountable for doing it each day. I posted the Scriptures quoted above to her over the weekend, but I didn’t realize that they: 1) were both from David who was asking God to protect him and 2) would be the basis of this Divine Note until I went into the Bible to review them. God speaks through the Bible in a majestic way – never doubt that.

Last week I talked about dealing with my struggles and still being obedient in order to represent the Lord Jesus Christ to those who need Him. Last Sunday I failed at doing effective ministry for a key member of my family who was in the hospital. During the week I talked to God about my feelings of inadequacy since I was scheduled to do lay ministry rounds in the cardio unit of a major hospital in town. God has called me to do this work and I started questioning whether I was qualified or much less even called to do that ministry. I am very much aware of how the enemy plays with our minds, so I prayed and asked God to please allow me to be effective and I put myself in His hands. My WOW sisters were also praying for me.

He answered my prayers in a big way. Each patient I visited on Friday morning kept telling me how much they needed to feel God’s love! One man choked back tears (I thought he was going to bust out sobbing!) and told me that God had sent me to encourage him that morning. One woman told me that she felt tired, very weak and discouraged and that our visit soothed her soul because she knows how God works through people to let her know that He understands…Another patient was a former member of the church but she had moved out of town. Later in the hospital hallway, several members of her family thanked me for dropping in to talk about God and her former church family! I left the hospital feeling blessed by the very patients I was supposed to comfort! Isn’t that like God?

So dear readers, I share this information with you not to make a big deal about the things I am called do. Instead this is a testimony of how God protects my soul when I am honest with Him about the things I mess up! I ask for forgiveness then I try again and I do His work regardless of how I feel! I’m certainly not off the hook when it comes to my weaknesses. But when you talk to God on a personal level, you will receive direct answers and His personal protection and provision just as He cared for David. It’s my opinion that God blessed me more than my mind could envision! I’m going to remember that Friday at the hospital for the rest of my life. When I am discouraged or feeling inadequate, I am going to remember that God’s plan for me is bigger than I will ever understand until I meet Him on the other side. Meanwhile, I just want to learn to be obedient and to trust Him to help me be His hands, eyes and heart on earth. And yes, with His help I’m going to work at being more effective in my relationships.

Who are you going to bless?
My prayer is for you to trust God to know what you need, when you need it. Are you growing and doing the work that He has assigned you to do? Are you representing Him well? As Leo Tyler so effectively preached today, there are people next door or sitting beside you that need your help! We must all be active helpers! Don’t believe for one minute that people don’t need you! Are you talking about the things He has done for you? Or are you just taking up space on the planet?

If you don’t know Him as your personal Savior, you are missing out on the personal peace and abundant life that we are promised. This week I encourage you to get real with God and clean up those areas of your life that need improvement. Talk to Him! As Pastor Susan once said, He listens and He responds!” Go out and make a difference by doing something for someone in need! You will receive Big God Hugs!

Love you,



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