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Divine Note 11-05 - Do God’s work today

February 10, 2011

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (GW) Whatever presents itself for you to do, do it with {all} your might, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or skill in the grave where you're going.

Last month I attended the funeral of a loving wife/mother/sister and daughter who was three years younger. It was apparent that she had served God well based on the testimony of family and friends.

We can’t assume that we all the time we need to accomplish God’s work and/or fill-in-the-blank with those things that really make a difference in your life. We must be strategic with the use of the time we have on earth. All of us have God-given gifts and abilities that are meant to impact those around us. Those gifts go to the grave with us if they aren’t used.

I recently asked friends on FaceBook and Twitter what is one thing they plan to do for God this year. Sam plans to keep supporting her church’s mission work in Guatemala; Steve plans to write and record a Christian music song; Norma says she is going to rely on God to guide her every step; and Lindsay says she’s going to listen to God for a change.

Have you thought about what you will do for God this year that you can be proud of? What are you doing to fulfill the purpose for which God created you? The following questions are meant to get you to think seriously about having an eternal plan:
• Have you discussed your goals and plans with God?
• Do your goals align with God’s goals for you?
• Is your ministry God-given or are you working your own (or someone else’s) agenda?
• Have you written those goals and plans down?
• Do you have completion dates and specific action steps?
• How will you know if you are successful?

Many of us are experts at executing plans on the job (the boss expects this and we are paid to do this). But what about the things that God has called you to do?

All your earthly hopes and dreams stop as you take that last breath and enter eternity. Will family and friends say you served your purpose well? Don't waste another day.


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