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And then I heard the voice of the Lord – Psalm 29

June 1, 2011 

Psalm 29
3 The Lord's voice is heard over the sea.
The glorious God thunders;
the Lord thunders over the ocean.
4 The Lord's voice is powerful;
the Lord's voice is majestic.
5 The Lord's voice breaks the trees;
the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes the land of Lebanon dance like a calf
and Mount Hermon jump like a baby bull.
7 The Lord's voice makes the lightning flash.
8 The Lord's voice shakes the desert;
the Lord shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
9 The Lord's voice shakes the oaks
and strips the leaves off the trees.
In his Temple everyone says, "Glory to God!"
10 The Lord controls the flood.
The Lord will be King forever.
11 The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace.

I am a visual person
God’s word comes alive for me, and I am passionate about wanting to know his heart. Recently I was deeply immersed in Scripture, and Psalm 29 caught my attention. As I delved into it, I could just see thunder over the ocean (v3); broken trees (v5); dancing and jumping animals (v6); and a shaking desert (v8).  

God allows us to hear his voice when we search for him in Scripture and when we want all of his heart! 

Thank you, Jesus, for allowing me to hear your voice and to know your heart! ♥


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